Global Health Ideas

Finding global health solutions through innovation and technology

Success Stories from Africa, Part 2

Following up Aman’s November 21st post [“Success Stories from Africa“] with my less than imaginative “Part 2”, I bring you a photo essay that accompanies the World Health Organization’s African Regional Health Report. True to purpose, the photos have an everyday feel to them – photos taken in hospitals and patients’ homes and farmers’ fields, with subjects going about the day-to-day of saving lives by keeping electronic medical records, educating patients, and planting Artemisia annua.

The upbeat tone of the report and the focus on success is reminiscent of other development success stories: ICT, Youth, Poverty and Gender published last May and the Center for Global Development’s book Millions Saved published in 2004.

Written by Ben

January 17, 2007 at 2:44 am